As a Manager/Mentor/Coach I agree that I should:
- Be positive during training and games, praise and encourage efforts as well as results
- Put welfare of young person first, strike a balance between this and winning/result
- Encourage fair play and treat participants equally
- Recognise development needs of person ensuring activities are appropriate to the person
- Plan and prepare appropriately.
- Involve parents or guardians where possible and inform parents when problems arise
- Keep records of attendance at training and games.
- Keep record of any injury and action taken.
- Keep record pf problem/action/outcomes, if behavioural problems arise.
- Report any concerns to Chairman and committee of the club.
Where possible I will not:
- Spend excessive amount of time with a young person away from others.
- Take training sessions alone
- Take a young person on a journey alone in a car.
While training young persons I will not:
- Use any physical force on a child.
- Exert undue influence over a participant in order to obtain personal benefit or reward
- Engage in sexually provocative games or allow inappropriate touching of any kind. Will not allow innuendo, flirting, or inappropriate gestures and terms.
- Take measurements or engage in certain types of fitness testing without the presence of another adult.