Have YOUR name at EVERY game!

‘Have YOUR Name at EVERY game’



As you can all see, we are continuously striving to update and improve facilities at our club. Last year our new fence and walking track was completed – and now we look to make further improvements to our club grounds.

The next big projects are, upgrading pitch lights on our lower pitch, and resurfacing our car park ! BUT – we need your help !

We are asking our members and supporters to help us reach our goals by sponsoring a name plaque on our new fence.

Each name plate will be weather resistant and built to last.

The cost of a name plaque is €150

Here are some ideas – but feel free to put whatever you wish on the name plaque ! The possibilities are endless – well not entirely endless – 3 lines max – with 22 characters on each line

Kindly Sponsored by …..

In Loving Memory of ……

The Murphy Family, Proud members of Bective GFC

The Murphy Family, Proud supporters of Bective GFC



Thank you for considering supporting our fundraiser by “Having YOUR name at EVERY game! Your contribution will help us achieve our goals and continue our important work in the community. Name Plaques are limited to 175 – so make sure to get yours today ! We will sell online until Friday 31st of May – and then do a draw for placements on the fence.

Please note that these name plaques are for individual and family names. We have an opportunity for businesses to sponsor us with pitch side advertising. Please contact PRO.Bective.Meath@GAA.ie

1.      To purchase online please click this link

2.     Cash/Cheque to any member of our executive committee

3.     Revolut @paula64aq



Let your name be seen ……………..Support the team in green


By paulagreif Thu 11th Apr