Both Bective and Drumbaragh were in championship mode and well up for this match played in a slightly bumpy Drumbaragh pitch on a fine sunny morning. Although Bective had plenty of possession Drumbaragh scored first with a pointed free kick after 8 minutes. Bective had few opportunities due to a tight defence with high numbers tracking back and intense tackling and shot 3 wides before Paul McCabe pointed a free after 13 minutes. Drumbaragh point two more frees on the 14th and 18th minutes and go 3 points up with a fine point from play. Paul McCabe replies with a pointed free followed by a Marty Mulhall pointed free. Cathal McConnell points from play on 27 minutes, and Drumbaragh go a point up before Marty Mulhall points from play and the teams break at 5 points each.
Bective introduced Ben Malone and Brian Cantwell at the start of the second half and Brian Cantwell, only 1 minute on the field, obliged with a fine point. Bective gained good possession around the midfield and attacked down the left wing at speed to cross the ball for inrushing forwards to fist to the net after 2 minutes. This was followed by pointed frees from Paul McCabe and Marty Mulhall on the 5th and 7th minutes. However Drumbaragh regained their composure and replied with an attempted fisted effort for a point ended in the Bective net judged to have been struck by a Bective hand before it went over the line. Drumbaragh add a point from play on 10 minutes and a further 3 points from free kicks to go a point ahead and the small gathering knew a dog fight to the finish was on. Bective were up for it and Sean Keating won a long delivery to drive the ball to the corner of the Drumbaragh net on 20 minutes and Bective go ahead by 2 points. Marty fires a point from play on 26 minutes. Drumbaragh were guilty of some over-zealous tackling and Bective gained advantage from the free kicks and releases Colin O’Rourke to fist a point from play on 26 minutes. Drumbaragh reply with a point from play but Paul wraps up the scoring on 35 minutes with a pointed free kick.